Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Understand Health and Safety Essay

A description of four different examples of accidents and/or sudden illnesses that might occur 1) The individual that you are supporting on an outing may choke on their food. This is usually caused by an object getting stuck in the back of your throat, this needs to be dealt with fast as it can result in the person stopping breathing if it is blocking their airways. 2) The individual that you are supporting on an outing may be epileptic and while you are out they could have an epileptic seizure. Epilepsy is a medical condition which causes a disturbance to the brain, this results in the individual becoming unconscious and having involuntary convulses of the body. People that have epilepsy have no control on when it is going to happen and sometimes can cause themselves harm when falling during the seizure. 3) The individual that you are supporting on an outing may have a cardiac arrest. A cardiac arrest occurs when an individual’s heart stops, this can happen for different reasons, this is mainly due to a heart attack but can also be because of shock, an electric shock, a convulsion or other illnesses or injuries 4) The individual that you are supporting on an outing may fall over and have severe bleeding. Severe bleeding is usually the result of a fall or injury, being the most common cause being glass. Aii An outline of the Procedure to follow if an accident or sudden illness should occur Choking and difficulty with breathing 1) You need to make sure the individual has nothing in their mouth and remove any dentures, use one finger with a glove on to sweep through the mouth and remove anything that is in there. 2) Encourage the individual to cough as  this might help move the object at the back of the throat. 3) Give the individual 5 back blows, bend the individual slightly forward and with the heal of your hand give the back blows in the middle of the shoulder blades. 4) If the object is still stuck then you should use the Heimlich manoeuvre also known as abdominal thrusts. To do this you need to stand behind the individual and put your arms around them, joining your hands just below the breastbone with one hand as a fist and the other covering it. 5) You need to pull your hands into the person’s body and upwards at the same time, with the force it should push the object out of the throat. 6) You should alternate between the back slaps and the thrusts until the object is removed. Epileptic seizure When an individual has an epileptic seizure you need to make sure that the area around them is as safe as possible and loosen all clothing. Once the seizure has stopped you need to check the individuals airways are clear and then put them into the recovery position. Try to make sure the individual is safe and comfortable and especially try to prevent head injury. You need to follow the protocol of the medication that can be given to help with a seizure such as at the support I work an individual has epilepsy and our protocol is if he is still in seizure after 10 minutes then we administer 0.5ml of madazolam buccal and then leave him for another 10 minutes and if he is still in seizure we need to give him the other 0.5ml if this doesn’t work then we are to phone an ambulance. Cardiac Arrest If an individual goes into cardiac arrest you need to call for medical help straight away. You need to give the individual mouth to mouth resuscitation, and chest compressions to stimulate the heart known as CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) The supporting staff should have had attended a first aid course which will have taught them how to resuscitate. CPR is hard work and the compressions need to be in the correct place. Firstly you should check if the individual has a pulse and whether they are breathing, if not call for medical help and then start CPR which is two mouth to mouth breaths and then 30 chest compressions and you should carry this on until medical help arrives. Severe Bleeding If an individual has a severe bleed then you will need to apply pressure to the wound, if it is possible use a sterile dressing but if this isn’t available use any material that is absorbent. You will need to apply pressure to the wound for about 10 minutes to allow the blood to clot. If there is an object in the wound do not try to remove it but apply pressure to the sides of the wound. If it is possible lie the individual down and raise the affected part of the body. When dealing with individuals with severe bleeding you need to protect yourself. Your skin acts as an excellent barrier to infections, but if you have any broken skin then you must be careful, if the blood of another individual comes into contact with your eyes, nose or mouth then you must seek medical advice. Blood-borne viruses such as HIV or hepatitis can only be passed on if the blood of someone who is already infected comes into contact with broken skin. If available you should wear gloves, if not available cover broken area with a waterproof plaster. If possible wash your hand before and after coming into contact with blood Aiii A list of the principles to be followed for safer moving and handling 1) When making a decision on the best way to move an individual they must discuss this with the individual it concerns. 2) The individual should be encouraged to do as much as possible for themselves and only use minimum manual handling 3) Where able to you should use the aids to support individuals to move themselves 4) The employer has a statutory duty to provide lifting and handling equipment, but it is the responsibility of the staff to use it 5) You have the right to be safe but individuals also have the right to be moved with dignity and as safely as possible. Aiv An explanation of why it is important to follow the care plan and communicate with each individual when assisting and moving It is important to follow the care when assisting and moving an individual as these plans have been put in place to ensure the safety of the individual and yourself while you are  assisting them. You can have an input in the decision on how this should be carried out but it is the professional that makes the decision. It is important that you communicate with the individual while assisting and moving as this will help them to feel more relaxed and you should explain each stage of the move to them so that they are prepared for it. It will also help to stop the individual from becoming anxious as they don’t know what is happening. Av An outline of staff responsibilities for medication in a social care setting Staff responsibilities for medication in a social care setting are that they need to check that they are giving the medication to the correct individual so check that on the box or bottle of the medication the name matches the individual you are administering the medication to. Check that the medication sheet also has the correct person’s name on it. Check that you have the correct amount of the medication that it says to administer on the mar sheet. You should also get another member of staff to check the amounts you have got out to make sure they are correct to prevent a medication error. While administering the medication you should wear personal protective equipment such as gloves. Before giving the medication you should explain to the individual what the medication is for and what it is they are taking. You should then check the area around the individual to make sure they have swallowed them all and none have been dropped. If medication has been missed or medication has been given when it shouldn’t have been then you should let your manager know and phone NHS direct to seek professional advice. You should also then phone on call and let them know what has happened and what the health professional has advised. Avi A brief description of the agreed procedures for obtaining, storing, administering and recording the medication needed for the outing. a) Obtaining When obtaining the medication you should make sure that you are getting the correct medication for the individual that you are taking out on  an outing, you need to with gloves remove the tablets from the box and put them into a medication box that you can take out with you. If you need to take liquid medication with you then you should take the bottle with you and a meds tub to allow you to measure out the correct amount that the individual will need. If you do not know them amounts then you should write this down and take it with you. If the individual takes their medication with something such as yoghurt (this must be stated in their support plans) then you should either take this with you or ensure that you go somewhere where you will be able to buy some to use for giving the medication. b) Storing When going out you should store the medication safely, such as the tablets should be in a meds tub that fastens and is secure to make sure that the medication isn’t lost. c) Administering When administering the medication on an outing you should check that all the medication is still there and again check that it is correct. You should give the medication still respecting the individuals dignity to try and do it somewhere quiet and away from a busy place. If the medication is liquid form then you should put the meds tub on a flat surface to ensure that you pour out the correct amount. d) Recording When you get back home you should fill in the mar sheet to make sure the next time someone comes to give the individual medication they know that it has been administered, as if you forget to sign that it has been given another member of staff may think that they haven’t had it and seek advice on what to do, they may be then told o administer it as soon as possible and then this could result in an overdose all of this would be a medication error. Avii An explanation of why the social care workers accompanying the individuals on the outing should have specialist training before each of the following: a) Carrying out emergency first aid Staff that support an individual on an outing should have training for emergency first age first as without this they do not have the knowledge of what to do in an emergency correctly, such as what to do if an individual chokes or has severe bleeding. If they have had first aid training then the will be aware of what to do in the different situations that may occur while on an outing. By having this training it is  more likely that the individual will be given the correct support that is needed in the situation. b) Assisting with moving and handling Staff that support an individual on an outing should have training in assisting with moving and handling as this will result in the safety of both the staff and the individual that they are supporting as they will have a better knowledge of how they sho uld support the individual safely. If they do not have the training then they may do something wrong when assisting the individual and this could result in harming either themselves or the individual that they are supporting and by not doing it correctly they may not do it in a dignified way and this could upset the individual that they are supporting. c) Handling medication Staff supporting an individual on an outing should have training on handling medication to ensure that the medication is given to the correct person with the correct amount and in the way that the individual prefers. It will also mean that the individual is supported with medication in the best possible way and that there are no medication errors. Task B – Guide Bi A list of the laws relating to: a) General health and safety in the setting Manual Handling Regulations 1992 (amended 2002) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002 (COSHH) Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) Health and Safety First Aid Regulations 1981 Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 Personal Protective Equipment 1992 b) Moving and handling Health and Safety at work Act 1974 Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (amended 2002) Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 Bii A list of the food standards that relate to social care settings Food Standards Act 1999 Food Safety Act 1990 Food Hygiene Regulations 2005 Biii An outline of the main health and safety responsibilities of: a) the social care worker The responsibilities of the social care worker are to keep themselves and the individuals that they are supporting safe. Social care workers should make sure that they follow all procedure that are in place when supporting individuals and when doing anything that has risks of harm. Staff should make sure that they use any equipment safely and only use it if they have had the specialist training on how to use the equipment. Staff when using equipment should make sure hair is out of the way to prevent it from becoming stuck in the equipment, You should communicate with you manager and make sure that you have adequate training and understand and follow the company’s policies and procedures around health and safety. You should report any illness, strains or injuries that you suffer as a result of doing your job as your employer may need to make changes to the way you work. If you become pregnant then you should inform your manager as it may mean that you are unable to do some of the things within your job role or may need to move somewhere where the chance of harm coming to you is slimmer. b) the employer or manager The responsibilities of the employer or manager are to make the workplace safe, they need to prevent risks to health, ensure that the equipment that is used is safe and that safe working practices are set up and followed by the staff, they need to ensure that all materials are handled, stored and used safely. Employers should inform you of any potential hazards from the work you carry out, chemicals and any other substances used by the employer. They should check that the right equipment is supplied for the work and that staff use it correctly and that the equipment is regularly maintained. They need to avoid potentially  dangerous work involving manual handling and if it cannot be avoided then they should take precautions to reduce the risk of injury. Employers need to supply staff with protective clothing free of charge. c) individuals using the service The responsibilities of individuals using the service are to make sure that they agree and follow their tenancy agreement. They should speak with staff to make it aware of the way that they would like to be supported when using assistive technology to reduce the risk of harm coming to themselves or the supporting staff. They should report any faults within their home so that it can be resolved before any injury or harm is caused to themselves or the supporting staff. If they do not have understanding of what faults are then supporting staff should make these known to the individual and support them to make the calls needed to get these fixed. Biv A description of the main points of health and safety policies and procedures To ensure the health, safety and welfare of everyone To protect people from hazards that might occur To control the keeping and use of dangerous substances Bv A list of work activities that should only be carried out after special training Manual Handling First Aid Clinical tasks such as taking temperature or blood pressure, changing dressings Giving Medication Bvi A description of how to access additional support and information in relation to health and safety Health and Safety is very important so it is always better to ask for more information than to guess and get things wrong. You might need extra information relating to legislation and guidelines, actions to take to ensure safety, concerns you have about a situation or person,  unhappy about the risks from a piece of equipment or another hazard or unclear about who has responsibility. If you need additional advice or support you should talk to your line manager, if your manager is unavailable and you are unable to find the information you need in your employers policies then the health and safety executive ( should provide all the information you need. Trade Unions may also have the information that you need. Task C – Case Studies Ci Define the term ‘hazard’ and ‘risk’ The term hazard means something that could cause harm, danger or adverse health effects to an individual and the term risk means the likelihood or probability of a hazard causing harm to the individual. Such as a spill on the floor is a hazard and slipping on the wet surface is the risk. Cii Identify the hazards and risks in the case study above The hazard is a burs pipe in the roof and water running down the light fitting and onto the bathroom floor. The risks are that the individual that Winston is visiting may slip on the water and harm himself or he may get an electric shock as water is running into electricity or due to the water in the roof it may cause the ceiling to fall in. Ciii Explain how and when you would report the risks you have identified Firstly Winston should make sure his client is in a safe place and then turn off the water and electric at the mains. He would need to then report this straight away to his line manager and then get in touch with either the landlord or a plumber and an electrician and inform them of the burst pipe so that they can make arrangements for it to be fixed as soon as possible. Civ Describe how a risk assessment might help reassure Ellie’s mum and ensure Ellie’s safety By having a risk assessment in place for Ellie making her own way on the bus to the group the social worker will of identified all of the possible hazards and the level of risks connected with these. The social care worker will have come up with ways of avoiding these hazards which will ensure Ellis safety and Ellie’s mum will feel reassured Cv Describe how a social care worker should use the risk assessment to ensure Ellie is safe during the journey To make sure Ellie is safe during the journey the social care workers should follow the risk assessment as it will state all the risks to Ellie during her journey and will include what needs to be done to reduce the likelihood of the risks. It is the responsibility of the social care worker to make sure that they are aware of the risk assessment and if there is anything that they do not understand then they should seek additional advice from their line manager straight away. It is also the responsibility of the social care worker to report any changes that need making to the risk assessments as soon as possible to their line manager. The risk assessment must be up to date and revised as often as necessary for the safety of Ellie and the people that are working with her. Task D – Short Answer Questions Di List three hazardous substances that can be found in an adult social care setting 1. Cleaning Chemicals 2. Medication 3. Clinical Waste Dii Use the table below to describe safe practice for the handling of each hazardous substance Medication Body Waste Cleaning Fluids Storage The medication should be stored in a locked cabinet out of reach, only the authorised person should have the key for the locked cabinet, the cabinet should be at the correct temperature the medication needs to be stored at. The medication must stay in the packaging the pharmacy dispensed it in Body waste should be stored in a yellow bag sealed and put into the designated place ready for collection somewhere that will not cause infection risks. Cleaning fluids should be kept in a safe place preferably in a locked cupboard and in line with the manufacturer’s instructions. All cleaning fluids should be stored in the correct bottles with the correct labels on them. Use The staff giving medication must have appropriate training in the administering of medication. When handling body waste you should always be wearing protective clothing such as gloves and aprons, you should also make sure you wash your hands after handling body waste. When using cleaning fluids you should always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and wear protective clothing such as gloves and aprons. Disposal The correct method of disposal is to return any unused medication back to the pharmacy and not put in the bin. Body waste will be picked up from designated area by specialist waste contractors. You should always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when disposing cleaning fluids Diii Identify three common hazards related to handling and storing food 1. Poor hygiene so there is a risk of infection 2. Not reheating food to the correct temperature 3. Storing uncooked meat on the top shelf in the fridge Div Explain how to: a) Store food safely You need to ensure when storing food that you store it at the correct temperature, cover and label the food so that others know when it has been opened and when it will no longer be edible. You need to make sure that uncooked and cooked foods are kept separately to avoid contamination. b) Handle food safely When handling food you should keep yourself clean, you should wear protective clothing, keep the workplace you are working in clean and tidy, you should use separate utensils and other equipment for different types of food such as chopping boards with different colours for cooked meat and vegetables etc, You should wash your hands regularly and thoroughly. c) Dispose of food safely When disposing food you should make sure leftover food is disposed quickly, ensure that the bins are emptied frequently and that and anything that is dropped or spilt is cleaned up quickly. Dv Identify three common signs or indicators of stress 1. Feeling tense, uptight or angry 2. disturbance of sleep pattern 3. headaches/migraines Dvi Give two examples of circumstances or situations that may cause a person to feel stressed 1. One example of circumstances or situations that may cause a person to feel stressed is work pressure, such as if someone has been set some targets to meet within a given time and they are struggling to meet these targets they may become tired and anxious and this may result in them becoming stressed due to a build up of work and feeling that it is on top of  them. 2. Another One example of circumstances or situations that may cause a person to feel stressed is being in debt as this may make them feel that they are unale to cope and, they may be worrying all the time where they are going to get the money from to pay the debt and this may result in a decrease in their self esteem and self worth and make them question their ability to support a family. They may also be worrying that they may be kicked out and have nowhere to live with their family if they dont find the money to pay. Dvii Identify and describe two ways of managing stress 1. One way in which an individual can manage stress is by physical activity, as this uses up the extra energy the body produces when they are stressed, this could be things such as walking, jogging, going to the gym, boxing etc. 2. Another way in which an individual can manage stress is by taking your mind off of the issue for a while by doing something else, by doing this it allowes you to come back to the problem with a clear head later on. This could be doing things such as gardening, going to the cinema, pampering etc. Task E – Leaflet Infection Control Ei A list of the routes by which infection can enter the body Infection can enter the body down the respiratory tract into the lungs. Illnesses such as coughs, colds, influenza and other common airborne infections are usually passed on this way. Infection can enter the body through breaks in the skin. You skin works as an excellent barrier against infection but if you have an open cut then infection can enter the body through the cut. Infection can enter the body down the digestive tract. If you have a drink or eat any food that is contaminated then this can infect your stomach or bowels. This kind of infection usually results in vomiting  or diarrhoea Infection can enter the body through the urinary and reproductive system. This kind of infection can remain localised or sometimes can then get into the blood. Most commonly sexually transmitted diseases infect the genitals. HIV and the AIDS virus is carried in bodily fluids and can be passed on through coming into contact with an infected persons saliva, seminal fluid or blood. Eii A description of how our own health or personal hygiene may place others at risk in the workplace Our own health or personal hygiene may put others at risk in the workplace as it is very important that you wash your hands regularly as if you have come into contact with infections and bacteria and then touch other things then you are leaving them all over and then when others touch things such as the banister on the stairs then they are also picking this bacteria up which could cause infection. You should always wear personal protective clothing when supporting an individual with any form of personal care where you come into contact with bodily fluids such as saliva or urine, this is not just to protect you but to protect the individual you are supporting from any infection that you may have picked up. You take care not to sneeze or cough on others as this could pass on infections to others, You should constantly using antibacterial spray to wipe down all surfaces to prevent cross con tamination. Eiii An explanation of the most effective ways to wash hands 1) Remove any rings or jewellery from the hands or wrists 2) Using warm running water thoroughly wet your hands 3) Squirt liquid soap onto the palm of one of your hands 4) Rub your hands together until you make a lathers 5) Scrub your hands with the palm of your hand over the back of the other hand and making sure you rub between the fingers, the wrists, forearms and under your nails. 6) Rinse off the soap with clean water 7) When turning off the taps use a paper towel to avoid getting bacteria back on your hands 8) When drying your hands use a single use towel or an air dryer 9) When leaving the bathroom try to prevent touching dirty surfaces as you are leaving the bathroom. Eiv A description of how and when to use personal protective equipment You should use personal protective equipment for any procedure that involved bodily contact or means that you will be coming into contact with anybody waste or fluids. This is because it will reduce the risk of infections spreading such as if you get it on your clothes and then come into contact with another person. At the end of each procedure you should take off the protective clothing such as aprons and gloves and dispose of them correctly. You should use new protective clothing when coming into contact with each different individual. Environmental Safety An outline of how to prevent and what to do in the event of: Ev Fire To prevent a fire you should fit smoke alarms and test then regularly and change the batteries annually, never leave the stove unattended when using it, keep portable heaters away from furniture, furnishings and flammable items and when leaving the house make sure you turn them off, Do not leave any electrical turned on when not in use and turn the main switches off when not using them and at night unplug all electrical items that are not being used, if possible do not use multi-way socket adapters and do not run electrical leads under the carpet. In the event of a fire you should call the fire service straight away when the fire alarm sounds. You should try to evacuate the building as fast as possible following the personal emergency evacuation plans for each of the individuals in the building and also following the fire safety procedure. If possible you  should try to get the individuals out of the building if it is safe for you to do so. Before entering any of the rooms with the back of your hand you should touch the door handle to see if it is hot, if it is then you should not open this door as it will let oxygen in and make the fire worse. You should always stay close to the floor if there is a lot of smoke as it raises so you are safer the closer to the floor you are as you won’t be inhaling as much smoke. If possible have a wet towel over your mouth to prevent the smoke getting into your lungs. Keep all doors closed as if you have fire doors then this can give you extra time to get out of the building. Evi Gas Leak To prevent a gas leak you should check that all appliances that use gas are turned off e.g. cooker, fire, radiators. In the event of a gas leak you should dial 999 for help and/or inform your health and safety officer/manager straight away, You should not turn any switches on or off, you should go to the assembly point and remove yourself and others from the building immediately, the incident should also be recorded. Evi Flood To prevent a flood you should make sure that everyone knows where and how to turn the water off and all taps should not be left running in the bath or sink. In the event of a flood you should turn off the water supply, call 999 or inform your health and safety officer immediately, do not turn switches on or off and remove yourself and others from the building as quickly as possible in case water and electric mix as this can be very dangerous. Evii Intrusion To prevent an intrusion you should being vigilant of security of building  i.e. doors, windows and make sure these are shut and locked when you are not home and at night. Do not give out spare keys to others or key codes and follow a procedure check list such as at night going round and making sre all windows and doors are shut and locked. In the event of an intrusion dial 999 and tell them what has happened, if possible go to a room with a lock and lock yourself in there, if not try to get out of the building and take others with you. Eviii Security Breach To prevent a security breach keep all confidential information locked away or passworded on the computer, keep all documents out of sight and never leave them laying about. Keep all doors and windows locked. In the event of a security breach try to leave the building safely with others, dial 999 and report to them.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Comparison of Theoretical Orientation Essay

Comparison of Theoretical Orientation The two theories that I am choosing to compare and contrast in the situation given, is Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory and William Glasser’sreality theory. William Glasser, M. D. , is the developer of Reality Therapy and Choice Therapy. Glasserdeveloped a cause and effect theory that explains human behavior. He focuses on personal choice, personal responsibility and personal transformation. William Glasser has an approach on his theory that is very nontraditional. He does not believe that somebody can have a mental illness unless there is something organically wrong with the brain. He also believes that if somebody is considered to have a mental illness it needs to be confirmed by apathologist. William Glasser also believes that genetically we are social creatures and need each other. That may very well be the cause of almost all psychological symptoms which is our inability to get along with the important and meaningful people in our lives. Sigmund Freud developed a theory to explain psychoanalytic and psychotherapist and much of his work comes from self-analysis. Sigmund Freud’s work suggests that early experiences in one’s life can shape and develop the way we behave as adults. Freud identified five stages within the first five years of life and he believes that our behavior patterns consist of three main elements which are the ID-this is the basic instincts present at birth, also known as the pleasure principle. The Ego-realistic acts within the mind and reality, this is also considered that the fence principal. The Super-Ego-this is the sense of conscious, our duty and responsibility, this is also known as the moral principle. Freud believed that when conflicts arose between these three parts it was those experiences from birth and early childhood that had the most impact on us as we became adults. Even though Freud never studied children and it’s fair to say some people have doubt about his theories, Freud developed his theories based on clinical experience with his patients and they were usually all women. Knowing that Freud’s work was based on an assumption that personality is shaped and behavior is motivated by powerful inner forces can make it easy for one to misunderstand or misinterpret Freud’s theory.

Mother Teresa

BLESSED MOTHER TERESA OF CALCUTTA Mother Teresa of Calcutta was an Albanian-born Indian Roman Catholic nun and founder of the Missionaries of Charity. She was a very devout catholic who dedicated her life to caring for well-being of others and helping those in need of love and affection. Her beliefs and values of life reflected her religious identity and purpose, which developed and contributed to her life and work. Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, in Macedonia, on the 26th of August, 1910.From her childhood, Agnes attended prayers and received first communion at the age of five. Her father died when she was just eight years old leaving the family in financial straits. Her mother raised her children firmly as Roman Catholics and this greatly influenced Agnes' character and vocation. Her religious formation was further assisted by the parish of the Sacred Heart in which she was much involved. Agnes was fascinated by stories of the lives of missionaries and their service i n Bengal.By the age of 12, she was convinced that she should commit herself to a religious life. She left home at the age of 18 and joined the sisters of Loreto, an Irish community of nuns with missions in India. She arrived in India and began her novitiate in Darjeeling in 1929, where she taught at the St. Mary’s school. She took her first religious vows as a nun on 24th May 1931. She chose to be named after Therese de Lisieux, the patron saint of missionaries and received the name Sister Mary Teresa.She stood her final profession of vows on 14th May 1937, while serving as a teacher at the Loreto convent school in eastern Calcutta. Mother Teresa was deeply disturbed by the suffering and poverty surrounding her in Calcutta. On 10th September 1946, she experienced what she later described as â€Å"the call within the call†. She heard God’s voice- the message was â€Å"to leave the convent and help the poor while living among them. † It was an order and had to be obeyed. â€Å"To fail would have been to break the faith. †She left the Loreto community and devoted herself to working among the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta. She began her missionary work with the poor in 1948 wearing the traditional white cotton sari with a blue border. After receiving basic medical training in Patna , she ventured out into the slums. Although she had no funds and no income, she depended on Divine Providence and started the first open-air school for slum children in Calcutta, helping them and teaching them about hygiene. Soon she started tending to the needs of the destitute and starving.In early 1949 she was joined by a group of women and laid the foundations to create a new religious community helping the â€Å"poorest of the poor. † On 7th October 1950, Mother Teresa started the Missionaries of Charity. Its mission was to care for â€Å"the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those peo ple who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society†. It began as a small order with 13 members in Calcutta and by 1997 it had grown to more than 4000 sisters. In 1952 Mother Teresa opened a home for the dying in Calcutta.She converted an abandoned Hindu temple into the Home of the Pure Heart. Those brought to the home received medical attention and were afforded the opportunity to die with dignity, according to the rituals of their faith. â€Å"A beautiful death is for people who live like animals to die like angels-loved and wanted. † The Missionaries of charity established a home and clinics for those suffering from Hansen’s disease, commonly known as leprosy, providing medication, bandages and food. Later in 1955 they opened a children’s home of the Immaculate Heart, as a haven for orphans and homeless youth.The order spread through India in the 1960’s and soon expanded through the globe. The Missionaries of Charity Brothers was found ed in 1963 and contemplative branch of the sisters followed in 1976. In 1981 Mother Teresa also began the Corpus Christi movement for priests and in 1984 founded with Fr. Joseph Langford the Missionaries of Charity Fathers. By 2007 the Missionaries of Charity numbered approximately 450 brothers and 5000 sisters worldwide, operating 600 missions, schools and shelters in 120 countries.Her work has been recognised and acclaimed throughout the world and she has received a number of awards and distinctions, including the Pope John Paul xx111 Peace Prize, 1971, the Nehru Prize for her promotion of international peace and understanding, 1972. After Mother Teresa’s death in 1997, the Holy See began the process of beatification, the third step towards canonization. This process requires the documentation of a miracle performed from the intercession of Mother Teresa.In 2002, the Vatican recognised as a miracle the healing of a tumour in the abdomen of an Indian woman, Monica Besra, aft er the application of a locket containing Mother Teresa’s picture. The beatification of Mother Teresa took place on 19th October 2003, bestowing on her the title â€Å"Blessed†. A second miracle is required for her to process to canonization. Everywhere in the world, Mother Teresa's work has been seen and awarded & she was given many awards for her selfless & loving acts. Pope John XXIII awarded Mother Teresa the Peace Prize in the year of 1971.Also, she was awarded the Nehru Prize because of her promotion of international peace and understanding in the year of 1972. Sadly, Mother Teresa had died on September 5, 1997 in her convent in India when she was at the age of 87. All in all, Mother Teresa was a selfless, living saint that had changed the lives of millions of people throughout the world. She had affected the lives of the poor, Catholics, & people like herself, that wanted to help others. She had done many great things from becoming a nun to creating one of the most effective orders in Catholic history. Mother Teresa Agnes Goanna Bauxite was born on August 26, 1910 in Skopje, Macedonia. Her parents' names were Nikolas and Droned Boo]axis, and she was the youngest of three children. Agnes was interested in helping people at a very young age. She became a member of a youth group in her parish called Stolidity. While she was a member of this youth group, she became interested in missionaries.She Joined a community known for their missionary work in India named the Sisters f Loretta at the age of 17. This is where she took her vows, and she chose the name Teresa after Saint There's of Leslies. Soon after, Sister Teresa began teaching at SST. Marry High School in Calcutta. In 1944 she became the principle of the high school. Sister Teresa became very ill and was not able to teach anymore, she was sent to Adrenaline for rest and recuperation. On the way to Adrenaline, she received a call that said, â€Å"She was to leave the convent and work with the poor, living among them. Mother Teresa started teac hing at a school in the slums. She also learned basic declined skills and treated people that could not afford doctors or medicine. Mother Teresa and some of her pupils went around poor neighborhoods and looked for dying children, men and women on the side of the streets who were rejected by local hospitals and brought them to a room that she rented out, and gave them the opportunity to die knowing that someone cared. The group of people that did this with mother Teresa was known as the Missionaries of Charity. The Missionaries of Charity started to branch throughout the world.The society became an International Religious Family by a decree of Pope Paul VI. In the asses Malcolm Muggier wrote and produced a documentary called â€Å"Something Beautiful for God†. This book brought a wider public attention to the life of Mother Teresa. In 1979, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, â€Å"for work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and distress, which also constitutes a threat to peace. † Mother Teresa did not attend the banquet but, but asked that the $192,000 be given to the poor. She also was awarded the Medal of Freedom, the highest U. S. Civilian award.She also received the honorary U. S. Citizenship. Mother Teresa never tried to convert the people she helped to the Catholic faith, but she still had strict a Catholic faith. She was strict on abortion, the death penalty, and divorce. On February 3, 1994 at a National Prayer Breakfast, sponsored by the U. S. Senate and House of Representatives, in Washington DC, Mother Teresa spoke about family life and abortion. She said, â€Å"Please don't kill the child. I want the child. Give the child to me. The last two decades of her life she spent traveling with different branches of the Missionaries of Charity helping the poor.During this time she mad multiple illnesses. In Rome is 1983, while visiting Pope John Paul II, she suffered a heart attack. While she was in Mexico she suffe red from pneumonia, soon after she suffered from further heart problems. Due to all of her health issues she offered to resign from her head of Missionaries of Charity position, but the order of the sisters, a secret ballet, voted for her to stay. In April 1996, Mother Teresa fell and broke her collar bone, in August she suffered from malaria and failure of the left heart ventricle. After her heart surgery her health began to decline again.She believed that she was under attack by the devil so she had a priest perform an exorcism on her. On March 13, 1997 she finally resigned from her head of Missionaries of Charity position. She died on September 5, 1997. If Mother Teresa had never come to be most people would not be affected, however it would have made a difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of lives that she impacted thought her life. Mother Teresa Mother Teresa was born on 26 August 1910, but she considered 27 August, the day she was baptized, to be her â€Å"true birthday†. She was born in Skopje, now capital of the Republic of Macedonia, but at the time part of the Ottoman Empire. On 10 September 1946, Teresa experienced what she later described as â€Å"the call within the call† while travelling by train to the Loreto convent in Darjeeling from Calcutta for her annual retreat. â€Å"I was to leave the convent and help the poor while living among them. It was an order. To fail would have been to break the faith. † She began her missionary work with the poor in 1948, replacing her traditional Loreto habit with a simple white cotton sari decorated with a blue border. Mother Teresa adopted Indian citizenship, spent a few months in Patna to receive a basic medical training in the Holy Family Hospital and then ventured out into the slums. Initially she started a school in Motijhil (Calcutta); soon she started tending to the needs of the destitute and starving. In the beginning of 1949 she was joined in her effort by a group of young women and laid the foundations to create a new religious community helping the â€Å"poorest among the poor†. In 1982, at the height of the Siege of Beirut, Mother Teresa rescued 37 children trapped in a front line hospital by brokering a temporary cease-fire between the Israeli army and Palestinian guerrillas. Accompanied by Red Cross workers, she travelled through the war zone to the devastated hospital to evacuate the young patients By 1996, she was operating 517 missions in more than 100 countries. Over the years, Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity grew from twelve to thousands serving the â€Å"poorest of the poor† in 450 centres around the world. Mother Teresa suffered a heart attack in Rome in 1983, while visiting Pope John Paul II. After a second attack in 1989, she received an artificial pacemaker. In 1991, after a battle with pneumonia while in Mexico, she suffered further heart problems. She offered to resign her position as head of the Missionaries of Charity, but the sisters of the order, in a secret ballot, voted for her to stay. Mother Teresa agreed to continue her work as head of the order. In April 1996, Mother Teresa fell and broke her collar bone. In August she suffered from malaria and failure of the left heart ventricle. She had heart surgery but it was clear that her health was declining. The Archbishop of Calcutta, Henry Sebastian D'Souza, said he ordered a priest to perform an exorcism on Mother Teresa with her permission when she was first hospitalised with cardiac problems because he thought she may be under attack by the devil. On 13 March 1997, she stepped down from the head of Missionaries of Charity. She died on 5 September 1997. Mother Teresa â€Å"Love is repaid by love alone.† Mother Teresa first read these words when she was eighteen years old while on her way to Ireland to become a nun. Sixty-nine years later before her death she must have realized that she was one of the most loved women in the world. If the Saint Teresa’s phrase has any literal meaning, there is possibly no one in our age who has deserved so much love in return as Mother Teresa. Anyone who has heard her story can attest to her greatness. This was a woman who felt being a devout nun, just wasn’t enough. She gave up her Sisters of Loreto robe for the blue and white sari of the poor, to aid and live among the destitute of Calcutta. Upon taking a vow of poverty, purity and obedience to start her new order, she told herself, â€Å"I’ll teach myself to beg no matter how much abuse and humiliation I have to endure† in order to help others. Her unwavering devotion to this cause came from her belief that her work was nothing less than a direct order from God. Her Childhood Mother Teresa's story begins in the small town of Skopje in Albania, Eastern Europe. She was born in Skopje on 27th August 1910 to a shopkeeper, Nikolle Bojaxhiu and his wife Drana. She was given the names Agnes Gonxha. The family always called her Gonxha, which means flower bud, because she was always plump and pink and cheerful. She was the youngest of three children, with a brother Lazar and sister Aga. They lived in a large house with a big garden. The Bojaxhiu family had a long tradition of success in crafts, fabric-dyeing and trade. Gonxhe was baptized in the Heart of Jesus Catholic Church and successfully completed elementary and high school years in church schools, where she was an active member of the drama section, the literary section, and the church chorus. Her parents were very caring and never turned away anyone who needed help. When Mother Teresa recalled her childhood she said ‘We were a united and very happy family.' Her greatest joy as a child came during church masses where she could sing, read and pray. Agnes attended mass every day, prayed and said the rosary every night. When Agnes was eight years old her father died. Her mother worked very hard to make sure the children were happy and Mother Teresa remembered her childhood as being ‘exceptionally happy.' Agnes’ mother continued to help others in need, seemingly unaware of her own condition. She would take care of alcoholic women in their neighborhood and helped another widow with six children raise her family. When that widow died, those six children became a part of the Bojaxhiu family. By looking back on Mother Teresa’s childhood now we cannot help but understand the effects of her mother’s values, charity and devotion. She grew up surrounded by faith and compassion and at age twelve received her first â€Å"calling from God† to help the poor. Upon hearing of this experience, her mother gave Agnes this advice, â€Å"Put your hands in His hands and walk all the way with Him.†Ã‚   So at 12, she joined an Abbey, and at 18 she became a member of the Loreto Order of nuns. She trained in Dublin, where the motherhouse of the Loreto Sisters was. She chose the name of Sister Teresa, in memory of Saint Thà ©rà ¨se of Lisieux. In December 1928 she began her journey to India and continued to Darjeeling, at the base of the Himalayan Mountains, where she would continue her training towards her religious vows. Soon after, on January 6, 1929 she arrived in Calcutta, the capital of Bengal, India to teach at a school for girls. In Calcutta, she worked as a school aid, teacher and principal for a middle-class high school for Bengali girls. During these years she could not help but be touched by the poverty and misery in the streets and slums around her. She started actively going to hospitals and slums where she became more and more dissatisfied with the state of the people around her and the efforts to help them. On September 10, 1946, on the long train ride to Darjeeling where she was to go on a retreat and to recover from suspected tuberculosis, something happened. She had a life-changing encounter with the Living Presence of the Will of God. Mother Teresa recalls: â€Å"I realized that I had the call to take care of the sick and the dying, the hungry, the naked, the homeless – to be God's Love in action to the poorest of the poor. That was the beginning of the Missionaries of Charity.† Read also  Summary : Love Is Never Silent She didn't hesitate, she didn't question. She asked permission to leave the Loreto congregation and to establish a new order of sisters. While the church recommended she join the Daughters of Saint Anna, who worked with the poor, Sister Teresa felt this was not nearly adequate to the calling she had received. She didn’t want to help the poor and retreat to a convent at night, but instead become one of the poor herself. She received that permission from Pope Pius XII. In 1948, at the age of 38, she exchanged her sister’s robe for the uniform of Calcutta’s poor and adopted a diet of rice and salt. The impoverished people of Calcutta were stunned by her presence among them. They could not understand why this European woman who spoke their language fluently would wash their babies, clean their wounds and educate their young. It was here in the streets of Calcutta where she was approached by one of her former students who made the remarkable request to join her. Mother Teresa was hesitant to invite someone else to take part in her calling because she wanted to make sure they understood the poverty that they would have to live in. Several weeks after Mother Teresa asked her former student to take time to think about it, the girl returned without any personal belongings or jewelry, wearing a sari, the uniform of the poor. She took Mother Teresa’s childhood name, Agnes as her own and became the first sister to join Mother Teresa’s calling. More sisters would join every month and by 1950, Sister Teresa had received approval from the Vatican to create another vow beyond her sister’s vows of poverty, purity and obedience. The fourth addition was, â€Å"To devote oneself out of abnegation to the care of the poor and needy who, crushed by want and destitution, live in conditions unworthy of human dignity.† With this vow, the Missionaries of Charity were born and its members were commanded to seek out the poor, abandoned, sick, infirm and dying and Sister Teresa became Mother Teresa. She wrote in her diary at this time that, â€Å"If the rich people can have the full service and devotion of so many nuns and priests, surely the poorest of the poor and the lowest of the low can have the love and devotion of a few–The Slum Sister they call me, and I am glad to be just that for His love and glory.† In 1952 Mother Teresa and her Missionaries of Charity began the work for which they have been noted ever since. Her order received permission from Calcutta officials to use a portion of the abandoned temple to Kali, the Hindu goddess of transition and destroyer of demons. Mother Teresa founded here the Kalighat Home for the Dying, which she named â€Å"Nirmal Hriday† (meaning â€Å"Pure Heart†). She and her fellow nuns gathered dying Indians off the streets of Calcutta and brought them to this home to care for them during the days before they died. Mother Teresa's first orphanage was started in 1953, while in 1957 she and her Missionaries of Charity began working with lepers. In the years following, her homes (she called them â€Å"tabernacles†) have been established in hundreds of locations in the world. The world came to know Mother Teresa after a 1969 BBC documentary on her work, which included footage of a potential miracle. Images of an area in the hospice too dark to show up on film appeared in a soft light after development. This public exposure led to growth of her order throughout India and later in the world. Soon after Cardinal Spellman from the United States visited her at the Motherhouse. Mother Teresa recalled, â€Å"He asked me where we lived. I told him, ‘Here in this room, your Eminence. This is our refectory. We move the tables and benches to the side.’ He wanted to know where the rest of our convent was, where we could study. ‘We study here, too, your Eminence,’ I said. Then I added, ‘And this is also our dormitory.’ When the Cardinal asked if we had a chapel, I brought him to the end of this room. ‘It is also our chapel, your Eminence’ I told him†¦I don’t know what he was thinking, but he began to smile.† Mother Teresa made no exceptions to her dedication. When asked what she expected of a sister she said, â€Å"Let God radiate and live his life in her and through her in the slums. Let the sick and suffering find in her a real angel of comfort and consolation. Let her be a friend of the little children in the street. I would much rather they make mistakes in kindness than work miracles in unkindness.† Mother Teresa's Wisdom Analyzing her deed and achievements, John Paul II asked: â€Å"Where did Mother Teresa find the strength to place herself completely at the service of others? She found it in prayer and in the silent contemplation of Jesus Christ, his Holy Face, his Sacred Heart.† â€Å"I see God in every human being. When I wash the leper's wounds, I feel I am nursing the Lord Himself. Is it not a beautiful experience?† â€Å"The poor give us much more than we give them. They’re such strong people, living day to day with no food. And they never curse, never complain. We don’t have to give them pity or sympathy. We have so much to learn from them. â€Å"There is a terrible hunger for love. We all experience that in our lives – the pain, the loneliness. We must have the courage to recognize it. The poor you may have right in your own family. Find them. Love them. Put your love for them in living action. For in loving them, you are loving God Himself.† â€Å"It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving.† â€Å"To God there is nothing small. The moment we have given it to God, it becomes infinite.† â€Å"You have to be holy in your position as you are, and I have to be holy in the position that God has put me. So it is nothing extraordinary to be holy. Holiness is not the luxury of the few. Holiness is a simple duty for you and for me. We have been created for that.† Her Achievements In 1965, by granting a Decree of Praise, Pope Paul VI granted Mother Teresa's request to expand her order to other countries. Teresa's order started to rapidly grow, with new homes opening all over the globe. The order's first house outside India was in Venezuela, and others followed in Rome and Tanzania, and eventually in many countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe, including Albania. In addition, the first Missionaries of Charity home in the United States was established in the South Bronx, New York. By 1996, she was operating 517 missions in more than 100 countries. Today over one million workers worldwide volunteer for the Missionaries of Charity. Mother Teresa traveled to help the hungry in Ethiopia, radiation victims at Chernobyl, and earthquake victims in Armenia. By the early 1970s, Mother Teresa had become known internationally. Her fame can be in large part attributed to the 1969 documentary Something Beautiful for God by Malcolm Muggeridge . In 1971 Paul VI awarded her the first Pope John XXIII Peace Prize. Other awards bestowed upon her included a Kennedy Prize (1971), the Balzan prize (1978) for humanity, peace and brotherhood among peoples, the Albert Schweitzer International Prize (1975), the United States Presidential Medal of Freedom (1985) and the Congressional Gold Medal (1994), honorary citizenship of the United States (November 16, 1996), and honorary degrees from a number of universities. In 1972 Mother Teresa was awarded the Nehru Prize for her promotion of international peace and understanding. In 1979, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, â€Å"for work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and distress, which also constitute a threat to peace.† She refused the conventional ceremonial banquet given to laureates, and asked that the $6,000 funds be diverted to the poor in Calcutta, claiming the money would permit her to feed hundreds of needy for a year. In the same year, she was also awarded the Balzan Prize for promoting peace and brotherhood among the nations. At the time of her death, Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity had over 4,000 sisters, an associated brotherhood of 300 members, and over 100,000 lay volunteers, operating 610 missions in 123 countries. These included hospices and homes for people with HIV/AIDS, leprosy and tuberculosis, soup kitchens, children's and family counseling programs, orphanages, and schools. Mother Teresa was granted a full state funeral by the Indian Government, an honor normally given to presidents and prime ministers, in gratitude for her services to the poor of all religions in India. Her death was widely considered a great tragedy within both secular and religious communities. The former U.N. Secretary-General Javier Pà ©rez de Cuà ©llar, for example, said: â€Å"She is the United Nations. She is peace in the world.†Ã‚   When she was asked â€Å"What can we do to promote world peace?† Her answer was simple: â€Å"Go home and love your family.† That was Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, Mother Teresa-our mother Teresa. Mother Teresa â€Å"Love is repaid by love alone.† Mother Teresa first read these words when she was eighteen years old while on her way to Ireland to become a nun. Sixty-nine years later before her death she must have realized that she was one of the most loved women in the world. If the Saint Teresa’s phrase has any literal meaning, there is possibly no one in our age who has deserved so much love in return as Mother Teresa. Anyone who has heard her story can attest to her greatness. This was a woman who felt being a devout nun, just wasn’t enough. She gave up her Sisters of Loreto robe for the blue and white sari of the poor, to aid and live among the destitute of Calcutta. Upon taking a vow of poverty, purity and obedience to start her new order, she told herself, â€Å"I’ll teach myself to beg no matter how much abuse and humiliation I have to endure† in order to help others. Her unwavering devotion to this cause came from her belief that her work was nothing less than a direct order from God. Her Childhood Mother Teresa's story begins in the small town of Skopje in Albania, Eastern Europe. She was born in Skopje on 27th August 1910 to a shopkeeper, Nikolle Bojaxhiu and his wife Drana. She was given the names Agnes Gonxha. The family always called her Gonxha, which means flower bud, because she was always plump and pink and cheerful. She was the youngest of three children, with a brother Lazar and sister Aga. They lived in a large house with a big garden. The Bojaxhiu family had a long tradition of success in crafts, fabric-dyeing and trade. Gonxhe was baptized in the Heart of Jesus Catholic Church and successfully completed elementary and high school years in church schools, where she was an active member of the drama section, the literary section, and the church chorus. Her parents were very caring and never turned away anyone who needed help. When Mother Teresa recalled her childhood she said ‘We were a united and very happy family.' Her greatest joy as a child came during church masses where she could sing, read and pray. Agnes attended mass every day, prayed and said the rosary every night. When Agnes was eight years old her father died. Her mother worked very hard to make sure the children were happy and Mother Teresa remembered her childhood as being ‘exceptionally happy.' Agnes’ mother continued to help others in need, seemingly unaware of her own condition. She would take care of alcoholic women in their neighborhood and helped another widow with six children raise her family. When that widow died, those six children became a part of the Bojaxhiu family. By looking back on Mother Teresa’s childhood now we cannot help but understand the effects of her mother’s values, charity and devotion. She grew up surrounded by faith and compassion and at age twelve received her first â€Å"calling from God† to help the poor. Upon hearing of this experience, her mother gave Agnes this advice, â€Å"Put your hands in His hands and walk all the way with Him.†Ã‚   So at 12, she joined an Abbey, and at 18 she became a member of the Loreto Order of nuns. She trained in Dublin, where the motherhouse of the Loreto Sisters was. She chose the name of Sister Teresa, in memory of Saint Thà ©rà ¨se of Lisieux. In December 1928 she began her journey to India and continued to Darjeeling, at the base of the Himalayan Mountains, where she would continue her training towards her religious vows. Soon after, on January 6, 1929 she arrived in Calcutta, the capital of Bengal, India to teach at a school for girls. In Calcutta, she worked as a school aid, teacher and principal for a middle-class high school for Bengali girls. During these years she could not help but be touched by the poverty and misery in the streets and slums around her. She started actively going to hospitals and slums where she became more and more dissatisfied with the state of the people around her and the efforts to help them. On September 10, 1946, on the long train ride to Darjeeling where she was to go on a retreat and to recover from suspected tuberculosis, something happened. She had a life-changing encounter with the Living Presence of the Will of God. Mother Teresa recalls: â€Å"I realized that I had the call to take care of the sick and the dying, the hungry, the naked, the homeless – to be God's Love in action to the poorest of the poor. That was the beginning of the Missionaries of Charity.† Read also  Summary : Love Is Never Silent She didn't hesitate, she didn't question. She asked permission to leave the Loreto congregation and to establish a new order of sisters. While the church recommended she join the Daughters of Saint Anna, who worked with the poor, Sister Teresa felt this was not nearly adequate to the calling she had received. She didn’t want to help the poor and retreat to a convent at night, but instead become one of the poor herself. She received that permission from Pope Pius XII. In 1948, at the age of 38, she exchanged her sister’s robe for the uniform of Calcutta’s poor and adopted a diet of rice and salt. The impoverished people of Calcutta were stunned by her presence among them. They could not understand why this European woman who spoke their language fluently would wash their babies, clean their wounds and educate their young. It was here in the streets of Calcutta where she was approached by one of her former students who made the remarkable request to join her. Mother Teresa was hesitant to invite someone else to take part in her calling because she wanted to make sure they understood the poverty that they would have to live in. Several weeks after Mother Teresa asked her former student to take time to think about it, the girl returned without any personal belongings or jewelry, wearing a sari, the uniform of the poor. She took Mother Teresa’s childhood name, Agnes as her own and became the first sister to join Mother Teresa’s calling. More sisters would join every month and by 1950, Sister Teresa had received approval from the Vatican to create another vow beyond her sister’s vows of poverty, purity and obedience. The fourth addition was, â€Å"To devote oneself out of abnegation to the care of the poor and needy who, crushed by want and destitution, live in conditions unworthy of human dignity.† With this vow, the Missionaries of Charity were born and its members were commanded to seek out the poor, abandoned, sick, infirm and dying and Sister Teresa became Mother Teresa. She wrote in her diary at this time that, â€Å"If the rich people can have the full service and devotion of so many nuns and priests, surely the poorest of the poor and the lowest of the low can have the love and devotion of a few–The Slum Sister they call me, and I am glad to be just that for His love and glory.† In 1952 Mother Teresa and her Missionaries of Charity began the work for which they have been noted ever since. Her order received permission from Calcutta officials to use a portion of the abandoned temple to Kali, the Hindu goddess of transition and destroyer of demons. Mother Teresa founded here the Kalighat Home for the Dying, which she named â€Å"Nirmal Hriday† (meaning â€Å"Pure Heart†). She and her fellow nuns gathered dying Indians off the streets of Calcutta and brought them to this home to care for them during the days before they died. Mother Teresa's first orphanage was started in 1953, while in 1957 she and her Missionaries of Charity began working with lepers. In the years following, her homes (she called them â€Å"tabernacles†) have been established in hundreds of locations in the world. The world came to know Mother Teresa after a 1969 BBC documentary on her work, which included footage of a potential miracle. Images of an area in the hospice too dark to show up on film appeared in a soft light after development. This public exposure led to growth of her order throughout India and later in the world. Soon after Cardinal Spellman from the United States visited her at the Motherhouse. Mother Teresa recalled, â€Å"He asked me where we lived. I told him, ‘Here in this room, your Eminence. This is our refectory. We move the tables and benches to the side.’ He wanted to know where the rest of our convent was, where we could study. ‘We study here, too, your Eminence,’ I said. Then I added, ‘And this is also our dormitory.’ When the Cardinal asked if we had a chapel, I brought him to the end of this room. ‘It is also our chapel, your Eminence’ I told him†¦I don’t know what he was thinking, but he began to smile.† Mother Teresa made no exceptions to her dedication. When asked what she expected of a sister she said, â€Å"Let God radiate and live his life in her and through her in the slums. Let the sick and suffering find in her a real angel of comfort and consolation. Let her be a friend of the little children in the street. I would much rather they make mistakes in kindness than work miracles in unkindness.† Mother Teresa's Wisdom Analyzing her deed and achievements, John Paul II asked: â€Å"Where did Mother Teresa find the strength to place herself completely at the service of others? She found it in prayer and in the silent contemplation of Jesus Christ, his Holy Face, his Sacred Heart.† â€Å"I see God in every human being. When I wash the leper's wounds, I feel I am nursing the Lord Himself. Is it not a beautiful experience?† â€Å"The poor give us much more than we give them. They’re such strong people, living day to day with no food. And they never curse, never complain. We don’t have to give them pity or sympathy. We have so much to learn from them. â€Å"There is a terrible hunger for love. We all experience that in our lives – the pain, the loneliness. We must have the courage to recognize it. The poor you may have right in your own family. Find them. Love them. Put your love for them in living action. For in loving them, you are loving God Himself.† â€Å"It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving.† â€Å"To God there is nothing small. The moment we have given it to God, it becomes infinite.† â€Å"You have to be holy in your position as you are, and I have to be holy in the position that God has put me. So it is nothing extraordinary to be holy. Holiness is not the luxury of the few. Holiness is a simple duty for you and for me. We have been created for that.† Her Achievements In 1965, by granting a Decree of Praise, Pope Paul VI granted Mother Teresa's request to expand her order to other countries. Teresa's order started to rapidly grow, with new homes opening all over the globe. The order's first house outside India was in Venezuela, and others followed in Rome and Tanzania, and eventually in many countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe, including Albania. In addition, the first Missionaries of Charity home in the United States was established in the South Bronx, New York. By 1996, she was operating 517 missions in more than 100 countries. Today over one million workers worldwide volunteer for the Missionaries of Charity. Mother Teresa traveled to help the hungry in Ethiopia, radiation victims at Chernobyl, and earthquake victims in Armenia. By the early 1970s, Mother Teresa had become known internationally. Her fame can be in large part attributed to the 1969 documentary Something Beautiful for God by Malcolm Muggeridge . In 1971 Paul VI awarded her the first Pope John XXIII Peace Prize. Other awards bestowed upon her included a Kennedy Prize (1971), the Balzan prize (1978) for humanity, peace and brotherhood among peoples, the Albert Schweitzer International Prize (1975), the United States Presidential Medal of Freedom (1985) and the Congressional Gold Medal (1994), honorary citizenship of the United States (November 16, 1996), and honorary degrees from a number of universities. In 1972 Mother Teresa was awarded the Nehru Prize for her promotion of international peace and understanding. In 1979, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, â€Å"for work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and distress, which also constitute a threat to peace.† She refused the conventional ceremonial banquet given to laureates, and asked that the $6,000 funds be diverted to the poor in Calcutta, claiming the money would permit her to feed hundreds of needy for a year. In the same year, she was also awarded the Balzan Prize for promoting peace and brotherhood among the nations. At the time of her death, Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity had over 4,000 sisters, an associated brotherhood of 300 members, and over 100,000 lay volunteers, operating 610 missions in 123 countries. These included hospices and homes for people with HIV/AIDS, leprosy and tuberculosis, soup kitchens, children's and family counseling programs, orphanages, and schools. Mother Teresa was granted a full state funeral by the Indian Government, an honor normally given to presidents and prime ministers, in gratitude for her services to the poor of all religions in India. Her death was widely considered a great tragedy within both secular and religious communities. The former U.N. Secretary-General Javier Pà ©rez de Cuà ©llar, for example, said: â€Å"She is the United Nations. She is peace in the world.†Ã‚   When she was asked â€Å"What can we do to promote world peace?† Her answer was simple: â€Å"Go home and love your family.† That was Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, Mother Teresa-our mother Teresa.

Monday, July 29, 2019

HEALTH LAW AND ETHICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

HEALTH LAW AND ETHICS - Essay Example Another purpose of the Act was to ensure that the elderly of US did not need to leave their home and move in facilities that assist elderly. The purpose of enabling services to make sure that the patients with US that belong to the minority groups are well served (Shuttlesworth 359). People suffering from deadly diseases along with people who are recognized as drug abusers can obtain high quality care due to improvement in case management. Patients from the minority groups do not have proficiency over English language, they gain support through services provided by interpretation service providers. With the aid of education related to health care, people from the minority groups can learn how to manage their activities in order to secure healthy lifestyles. Eligibility services for these minority groups aid in enrolling individuals in health care facilities and decreasing their concerns about their finances. Transportation services aid minority groups in gaining timely access to health care

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Would the Investors Optimism About the be Slipping Case Study

Would the Investors Optimism About the be Slipping - Case Study Example From this paper it is clear that China is already in synergy with the Global Source’s media that serves China’s export and import sector. Global source occupies second largest share of online market in China that is equal to 21.2%. Global source is actively working on new products and has launched 11 new online market products in 2007. Moreover, Global source is actively penetrating the Chinese market via different strategies that include exhibitions, magazines and research articles. Its exhibitions are making the products of suppliers accessible to hard-to-reach customers. With the increasing trend (around 3% per year) in online market use by Chinese people and due to marvelous market penetration strategies of global source, it’s likely to be a great brand for potential customers of online market. This greatly shows the buyer’s inclination to global source in the future. This paper stresses that on the other hand also caters its existing customers effectively specially Small Medium enterprises by providing them trust rating of suppliers that effectively enables them to choose right trading partners. However global source’s revenues are increasing and it is also working quite hard on the product development for growth. Global source is likely to introduce such service for SMEs to compete with’s spending on advertising and promotion relative to revenue are decreasing as per it financial report given in the case. Promotional expenditures in 2004 were 54.2% of revenue and they are only 32% of revenue in 2007.’s spending on product development has also decreased from 2004 to 2007. Marketing and product development are key to business success. Curtailing such important expenditures does not seem to be a healthy sign for  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Article critique Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Article critique - Assignment Example In the recent times, the vacancies for headship in school in UK are swelling up at alarming rate with increasing number of head-teachers who are opting for early retirement. Effective succession planning for selection and retention of head-teachers through leadership development programmes has become priority for UK government. The paper would critically analyze the article for the various issues and paradigms within the educational system that promote the need for government programmes. The initiatives are designed to create future educational leaders who would be able to fill the vacancies of senior school staff. Critique The article is highly relevant and gives deep insight into the developing crisis situation in UK schools which are faced with the huge problems of filling the vacancies of Headship with right candidates. Howson report (2007) shows concern on the government’s inability to fill the vacancies of headship in 35% of primary, 19% of secondary and 33% of special s chool. The authors are hopeful that FL program would be able to create committed leaders who would be able to do justice to the post of headship in the future. ... It greatly limits the scope of the programs and deters talents from non academia. They can bring in new ideas and approach to various paradigms of educational system and teaching. The article is divided into two distinct parts: one that elaborates an evaluated the ‘Future Leader’; and second part that tries to look into the crisis that has emerged with low retention and increasing trend of early retirement of the heads of the schools. While the two issues are important paradigms of education system, the authors’ have been ambiguous in clarifying whether the existing heads actually lack leadership traits. The issues have been examined in relative detail so that developing crisis of low retention of senior staff of schools could be identified. But the article is unable to identify linkages between the two issues for efficient delivery of goals of the FL programmes. There is ambiguity as to how the FL would be able to resolve the issue of early retirement of heads. B ut it has been successful in showing the viability of FL in schools primarily because of the fast transforming societal format which has increasingly become multicultural. The authors have used questionnaires, interview schedules and case studies to analyze the inputs from participants of the programme. At various stages of the programmes, the inputs from the participants and various stakeholders like host school management, senior staff, mentors of the participants etc. have been judiciously evaluated against the wider goals and objectives of the programme. The authors assert that while the initial programme was highly successful in developing educational leaders, the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Work People and Productivity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Work People and Productivity - Essay Example In such a case, the candidates need to ask themselves if they do recognize their profile. It is good to come up with the specific observations that are supportive to the existing culture as well as the exact behaviors to fit the desired one. One needs to show why the preferred culture is desirable ( OCAI, 2014). If striking differences that are large between the preferred and the current cultures exist, then changes are vital. The profile does indicate the direction. For instance taking the example of moving from the hierarchy to clan culture, one needs to show what that exactly means. What has been left out by the hierarchy culture that needs to be filled in by the clan culture, for instance, the need for more concern on workers and how it is necessary? What would that bring? ( OCAI, 2014) The next step is to make a comparison of one’s profile. First is with that of the organization’s sector. See the similarities as well as differences and identify them. See if the work looks more of market oriented than that in other organizations. Are the right people attracted to fit within the culture of the organization? See if the culture does support the organizational goals, challenges met, and the culture needed for success ( OCAI, 2014). The third step is to involve colleagues. Plan a meeting for the team or discuss the profile with them. See if they do recognize the profile and if there is an agreement in on this preferred culture. For development of concrete action, it is good to decide on what is to be done. Key factors for success include coming to agreement on the culture preferred and objectives, senior official’s commitment and the change of mental models, which govern daily behavior (OCAI, 2014). An analysis of the two examples shows great cases especially in defining both cultures and showing what they both represent. The current culture has been well explained to show its weaknesses; that it is discriminating to workers and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Look at the pictures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Look at the pictures - Essay Example Compared to the past, there are now simpler modes of communication, there are phones and computers which can utilize the vast internet system and enable people interact and communicate through messages, emails and even by web cameras where they can see each other. Technology has revolutionized the world not only positively but negative aspects that under values writing. Concern regarding writing skills has been raised every now and then; this has been mostly noted on the 21st century generation, the writing skills of most students and the general public has gone down compared to the skills of people that existed in the 18th and 19th century. This undermining of the writing skills can be attributed to the communication advancement whose roots have dug and spread deep in the modes of writing. Social media impacts on writing skills Social media is advancement during these times where different people across all continents has the need to interact and share activities in their lives, soc ial media such as Facebook and Twitter are some of the most popular social media in the world (Young, 146). These sites are known for interactions of friends who mostly use informal language and shortened words to pass their messages across. Statistics shows that social media is addictive to the youth of the current generation who have been known to spend most of their time in social media ‘chatting’. This chatting habit reciprocates to transfer of using of the chatting language to school settings which is inappropriate to the setting of formal language and writing. The negative side of social media is on how it affects the writing skills of the users, since this communication mode is cheap and available to everyone this affects growing children who engages in it at a very young age. This then becomes the way of life for these young people who don’t realize there are other ways like reading books by which people can spend their time. By reading books written by f amous people in the likes of William Shakespeare the young minds could have attained very special writing styles in form of stylistic devices and vocabulary. By use of social media, the means of communication is texting, this is by typing the words by pressing on buttons of the mobile phones and computer keyboards, this impacts negatively to the social media users as it does not allow them time to be able to improve on hand writing skills . The witting by way of pens is an activity that was very popular especially in the beginning of 18th century; this even led to the innovation and development of creative writing as the calligraphy a talent that had to be improved by constant practice by pen and paper. How education is affected by technology Positive As much as there are a lot of negative impacts of technology on writing, technology has some positive impacts on student writing. These impacts are positive in the fact that they enhance the educational value of all students who uses t he new technology (Ferris, 23). Through being able to go back and revise through the work, this is facilitated by software designed to check grammatical errors. Students find this easier compared to writing on paper which they have to go through word by word and in most cases ends up missing some mistakes (Ferris, 34). For many high and middle school students there has been a rise of the number of students who text update blogs and are constantly using the social

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

American history in 1800s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

American history in 1800s - Essay Example US English was not recognized world, however after the introduction of this dictionary US English literature gained a lot of recognition (Cobble, 2004). There are many events which are associated with the social reform movement of 1800. Congressional reconstruction is one such event in the history of USA. As far as the history of USA is concerned, historians often associated two particular events of the history to the reconstruction era. One part of reconstruction era is concerned with the time period of 1865 to 1877 (Murphy, 2003). This was the period when USA had just dealt with the civil war in the country. The reconstruction era reflects the rebuilding of society and state on modern basis (Harris, 2004). The second part of reconstruction was associated with the transformation of Southern states of USA. President Abraham Lincoln was the major players of setting up state’s government on a new pattern (Chused, 1994). Social reforms of 1800s’ have an important association with the future of USA. Today USA has Afro-American President who has been elected for two consecutive years. This reflects the fact that social reforms of USA history have played a major part for the growth and development of America. Equal rights for every citizen are also product of that time (Dougherty,

Managing Organisations, People and Self Assignment

Managing Organisations, People and Self - Assignment Example According to the case study, John Barker owns the double-glazing business â€Å"Hole in the Wall† and built it completely on the basis of his own skills and capability. He also employed a small group of people and provided his services on a small scale. The business had registered immense growth in the tenure of its operation over the years. In the recent years, the business had to deal with several key issues that harm its operations and reputation considerably. Contextually, this assignment will analyse the prevailing problems in the business that resulted in its performance decline and certain recommendations will be discussed in solving the same. The suggestions would certainly help the business to improve its performance up to a larger extent. 2.0. Problems / Evaluation John Barker started his double glazing business with employing 20 people in the initial stages of the operation of the business. However, with the retirement of his friend/supplier, Barker occupied the factory of his friend and thus expanded his business operations with the inclusion of more staffs. He also took the approach of making extensive advertisements in the local newspaper and the media in order to target the customers of the local market. The company had experienced considerable growth in recent times in the form of building better business reputation amid the customers. However, the growth of the company had been hindered by certain specific problems in the workplace that are yet to be evaluated. It can be viewed in this similar concern that there was increased number of complaints from the end of the customers about the quality of the services or the products of the company, which further damaged its better reputation amid the customers. Moreover, it has also been observe d that the employees of the business have become quite inefficient and their performance had declined considerably. In addition, a few of the employees had also left the company without providing any notice, which further harmed the operational efficiency of the business up to a larger extent. This aspect can resemble with the problems that prevail in the workplace of the business. From the analysis of the case study, it can be stated that there were problems of motivation that might be impacting the approach of the employees and steering them towards an undesirable direction. Moreover, the leadership and business management abilities of Barker can be questioned with regard to the poor performance of the business. The problems have been further identified and discussed in detail hereunder. 2.1. Motivation Motivation is regarded as one of the imperative aspects, which impacts the behaviour of an individual. It encourages people to conduct their work in an efficient and dedicated mann er (Reem, 2011). In the case study provided, the employees of the business and their conduct were deemed to be affecting the welfare of the business up to an extensive extent. Contextually, it has been observed that the performance of the company owned by Barker in recent years had showed certain inefficient results, which are a matter of concern for the same. Analysis suggests that

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Mission - from Religious and Theological Perspective Essay

The Mission - from Religious and Theological Perspective - Essay Example Directed by Roland Joffe and written by Robert Bolt, the film won the Academy Award for Best cinematography. From the plot summary, it is obvious that film mainly focuses on the religion of Christianity. Throughout the film, various facets of Christianity are explored and that includes the role played by that religion during the colonization of territories by the European or Western colonial powers in early centuries, particularly the role played by the Christian missionaries in the ‘evolution’ of the native population. The film also focuses on the core Christian beliefs and teachings, and delves into how different sections of population interpret those beliefs and teachings. â€Å"If you are looking for a fascinating portrayal of historical Christian faith and missions during the centuries past, â€Å"The Mission† is it (though not a â€Å"Christian† production itself).† (Paul, n. d) In the film, the religion of Christianity plays a vital component. That is, The Mission features the series of struggles faced by Father Gabriel in his journey to preach Christianity to the indigenous people, gain their trust and evangelize them. During that journey, the concept of Christianity is clearly highlighted. â€Å"The film is set in the 1750s and involves the Jesuit Reductions, a program by which the European Catholic Church sought to Christianize and â€Å"civilize the indigenous native populations of South America.†(â€Å"The Mission – Summary†, n. d). The representation of Christianity in the film seems to be accurate, as it reflects the activities of the Christian missionaries and other groups to spread Christianity in many lands in the early centuries. That is, the movie mainly focuses on the group of Jesuit priests traveling to distant lands in an attempt to spread and reach the Word of God to the native population. In addition, in those early times, the Jesuit priests/missionaries use to live with the native population for many years, instead of having a temporary stay. In a way, they coexist with the local people, thereby understanding their culture, lifestyle, problems, etc. In the movie also, Father Gabriel along with Mendoza permanently live and carry out constructive work in the Guarani settlement. â€Å"This fact is consistent with historical missions created by Europeans in South America, where Jesuit priests would coexist with tribes such as the Guarani.† (Fritz, 2010). Hence, the representation of Christianity in the film can be considered accurate, and also as an effective means of revealing the holistic features of Christianity. In the film, the Jesuit priests’ attempts to evangelize the native South American population provide key perspectives about the expansion activities of Jesuit priests as well as the core values of Christianity. The key message delivered in the film is how the ‘education’ of the native people about the basic principles of Chr istianity can bring about certain constructive changes in their society. Thus, the film in a way conveys a positive message; as it makes the native people to understand and imbibe the vital components of Christianity namely love towards fellow men, compassion, peace, sacrifice, etc. Though the Guarani initially resist and oppose the preaching of the Father Gabriel, in the latter part of the film, they even go to the extent of dying for his cause. â€Å"This movie depicts the role of religion in the European

Monday, July 22, 2019

African Traditional Literature Essay Example for Free

African Traditional Literature Essay Indigenous literature whether oral or written is the cultural heritage of most societies. Unfortunately, African traditional literature overtime has been treated as something inferior to their Western counterparts. But to a large extent, both traditional African literature and their European counterparts have similar socio-artistic values. Both express interest in the events happening in their society because they recognize their role as social barometer, hence, they need to express themselves properly to their audience no matter the language they use. African traditional literature shares a lot with similar literature from other parts of the world. More recent studies have indeed revealed that the old view that rural societies are not capable of producing elegant literature expressing the responses of men in an advanced culture to events around them is no longer tenable. This view was upheld by Westerners who studied traditional African literature with racial prejudice. They believed that African culture was still struggling for elementary problem of existence and was yet to attain the level of civilization that will facilitate the pursuit of literary achievement. But this view was met with a lot of controversial criticisms, as African Scholars began to argue the importance of African traditional literature in the literary world, stressing the fact that traditional literature is not only relevant, but should also be accorded a literary status in the literary world. Their reasons being that African literature perform certain functions in the society; the noticeable variety in the existing genre and; the competent evidence in the elegant use of language exhibited in the cause of performance with the resultant aesthetic effect, and with time, African traditional literature began to be accepted. But it was not wholly accepted by these Europeans. They began to employ their foreign concepts in the critical evaluation of African traditional literature. They believed that Africans do not possess adequate tools for the appraisal and evaluation of their literature. Hence, they began to employ these foreign approaches in the study of African traditional literature.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Examining Entrepreneurs as Agents of Change

Examining Entrepreneurs as Agents of Change Introduction The rapid growth of the marketing is constantly changing our lives. As a result, entrepreneurs are played the importance role in a market as they are seen as agents of change. Which the change is economically based, the implications are far reaching, affecting other aspects of society such as social, cultural and political. That is why the entrepreneur is willing to take the responsibility and taking business risk to create and expand their business to order to explore more opportunities. Which the goods and services are fulfills customers demand and preferences. Entrepreneurs seen to be the starters and them also assume the role of manager. Which entrepreneurs are observing the fourth factor of production (entrepreneur, land, labor and capital) and improve for the economic development. They were actively form to lead their own business and cultivate and offering new ideas for the economic growth and prosperity in individually. Moreover, entrepreneurs have a good in planning and manage strategically to make a decision and always strive for excellence in a business. Therefore, it can avoid the failure that may threat to an entrepreneur and the lack of continuity of the business and know how to developing the field of social entrepreneurship. In the scenarios, among a social entrepreneur is motivated to improve and transform social, educational, environmental and economic conditions. Social entrepreneurs are for social improvement but not for the money. They are presents their ideas that are user-friendly and ethical that which applies innovative solutions to support in order to expand the large number of people to tackle their idea. Which the challenges and successful of highly effective social entrepreneurs include the failure and a lack of acceptance of the status. The social entrepreneur is importance to driven by an emotional desire to the social and economic conditions and not only by the desire for profit. Anyways, they seek for the best solutions to resolve the problems that can be copied by others. In other hand, social entrepreneur were improvement of the goods and services offered to the community is to create the social value with run as non-profits. Challenges of Social Entrepreneurship The challenging issue of social entrepreneurship is to build up a no funding of reliable team, and establish an effectively and reality business plan to scale up. In this case, the skills and insight of a social entrepreneurship is very importance that must hold by them in their business. Challenges may bring the success for entrepreneurs to lead their own businesses and active involvement to explore more opportunities. The below are show the challenges of social entrepreneurship. 2.1 Managing Accountability Accountability is a complicated issue for social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurs create the opportunities, good in planning and manage strategically to make a decision and always strive for excellence in a business. Which they must have a good skills and insight to developing its strategic in the business. Social entrepreneurs need to build the profitable businesses which are observing the fourth factor of production (entrepreneur, land, labor and capital) and improve for the economic development. Therefore, social entrepreneur always strive for excellence in a business which make their own view and experiences to the companys strategy. However, social entrepreneurs also same with other entrepreneurs, have to search for resources and survive until the business begins reaping income. The challenges and skills are useful in the future for entrepreneurs more accountable on their business. 2.2 Managing the Double Bottom Line Double bottom line is a business term which can create a series of tensions across the business (Pharaoh, Scott, Fisher, 2004). Its to measure the financial performance in term of positive social impact. It approach to applied to public and private sector organizations ability to take their strengths and capacity and match them to an opportunity they see in the marketplace- an opportunity that both meets their mission and provides financial stability- this is what we call double bottom line. (Anon, 1999) These great efforts must take time to achieve the results more effective management and outcome the form of revenue diversification. 2.3 Managing Identity In the managing identity issues, Social entrepreneurs who have worked mainly in the nonprofit sector may find it difficult to identify closely with the commercial side of the business; for entrepreneurs with a for-profit background, the problem may be a difficulty identifying with the goals and approach of the social side of the venture, especially when they undermine the stability of the business (Pharoah et al., 2004). Besides that, Complex identity issues such as these need to be made explicit in the context of social entrepreneurship education, which should also convey the commercial realities of managing a social venture; regardless of their commitment to their social vision, only by operating profitably can social entrepreneurs engender sustainable social change. Clearly, this raises particular leadership dilemmas for social enterprise (Martin, 2003). 2.4 Managing a Global Operation Managing a global operation also play the important role for the challenges of social entrepreneur. All the work is done for global especially for social enterprise which they are faced to the new challenges to management the business. In this case, the time also important to this section to help them more function closely as a team in workplace. Anyways, staying objective and communicating your value, fighting fires and thinking strategically, and remaining true to the vision when complexity arrives are also be the strategically to positioning the business while there are occur a list of issues that need to be solve in the workplace. Success of Social Entrepreneurship The success will require the well practice, interchangeable ideas and knowledge to improve the society. Social entrepreneurship must have the hard work, plain, and simple behaviour to driven the success that can solve the social issues. Anyways, they are shared their ideas and have a good in plan and manage strategically to make a decision and always strive for excellence in a business. Therefore, it can avoid the failure that may threat to an entrepreneur and the lack of continuity of the business and know how to developing the field perfectly. The next point will bring the success to an entrepreneurs is traits of an entrepreneur. Thats important for entrepreneur to strive the excellent in business and also focus on how they can get the things they want through the ways they go. Below are show the factor and traits of an entrepreneur to driven the success. 3.1 Goal-Setter A goal-setter is very importance for anyone to get the successful in business. Stay focused and strive for balance to set a goal will be useful for everyone. To achieve the goal, entrepreneur must ensure that the goal is clearly and achieve attainable vision with concrete measurable goals. 3.2 Knowing Your Strengths and Weaknesses Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of an entrepreneur also may bring the successful in business. Anyways, the strengths and weaknesses are playing an active role in people likes to successful in business. This is the ability that entrepreneurs have to brush off failures and mistakes and keep going forward. Therefore, an entrepreneur must exercise how to get even better performance in business, enhance self-confidence, and improve the study skills, knowledge and ability. Regardless in life or in business, entrepreneurs are playing the importance and potential role in the business. Before that, entrepreneurs have to self-evaluation themself such as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This may transform people attitudes to get even better, know the ways to improve the ability. 3.3 Maximizing Opportunities An opportunity is importance for entrepreneurs; they are always looking for opportunities. Whether they are already in business or just getting started, they have an attitude that expects opportunities, and they invest the time necessary to find the opportunities that will work for them; even those already running a successful business remain open to new possibilities. (Anon, 2003) 3.4 Know Your Business/ Know Your Competition Problems are always occurring in the business. The new idea may bring the opportunities by increase the income of the business and success achieve the goal was set. So that an entrepreneur must have a good in plan and manage strategically to make a decision and always strive for excellence in a business. Entrepreneur must have the great thinking and creative ideas that to play the important to share the new ideas which the ideas may make them success in their own business. 3.5 Effectively Manage Budgets and Finances Budgets and finance are also the issues for entrepreneurs as how they earn the income by investment. The ethical and moral must be including by an entrepreneur, they use the positive ways to operate their business. Effectively manage budgets and finances may help them to save the resources and reduce the expenses in production. 3.6 Never Settle for Second Best Never settle for second best also as a trait for an entrepreneur also may bring the successful in business. Entrepreneurs have a good in planning and manage strategically to make a decision and always strive for excellence in a business. Innovation for entrepreneurs is to done the new ideas to become products and services which the products and services are fulfill customers demand and preferences. They were actively form to lead their own business and cultivate and offering new ideas for the economic growth and prosperity in individually. Moreover, entrepreneurs are capability to learn from the failure and personal initiative to make innovation and improvement to get the business opportunities. 3.7 Hard Work The time is the issues that to bring people for driven to success. The characteristic of an entrepreneur are willingness to work hard and assuming the responsibility in the workplace. Entrepreneurs must know how to managing their time to work or launching a new business. Therefore, they are fully applying they ability with intensity and focus to done their duty in business. The position of an Social Entrepreneurship To become a great entrepreneur, there are the ways to position their post in workplace. This may helpful to entrepreneurs to success in business and improve their knowledge and ideas. 4.1 Set a clear, attainable vision with concrete measurable goals Explanation the notion of leading is to motivate employee to achieve the goals has been set. Create a shared culture and values, communicating to all the employees of all the organization. That may infusing the employees that to perform the high level and ability to shape the communication, culture and motivate employees to achieve business success. Anyways, leading process were let the employees know what is the vision need to measure up and try to motivate the employees to make the organization more effectiveness, efficiency and functional the organization. Tell people what your individual expectations are A feedback is helpful to specific and measurable about their ongoing job performance. Its may identify the employees who get the benefit from every training or supervision. In other hand, everyones expectations are different to each other. Theyre needed to tell other about what was he or she expects to want to get in the business. Thats the key to striving to make someone a success. Moreover, responsibility for a person may bring the effect to the whole organization. The motivation, dedication and productive may drive the business a success. Entrepreneurs may feel confident about their skills and it may make it easily be more productive, satisfied and successful. Self-review, evaluation to motivate the potential in the workplace Self-evaluation can use the SWOT analysis to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in workplaces. However, it may transform people attitudes to get even better, know the ways to improve the ability. A good conversation promotes an image of intelligence, wittiness and, self-confidence. Therefore, this may improve a persons ability in conversation or other situation. This also may help people to find the objectives and how to solve the problem in presentation, study, and finding information. Anyways, different path such as academic, personal, career, or other also has distinct objectives. To achieve the goal, a person must ensure that goal is clearly aware of what is expected from them if an objective is to be achieved. (ezinearticles, 2005) Be open to new ideas The thinking strategically is the challenges for entrepreneurs to resolve the business problem and create the innovations. A social entrepreneur must have the great thoughts and creative ideas. Thats an important reason that to share their new ideas which the ideas may success to improve their organization. A new idea may bring the opportunities to extensive the business in which increased productivity. The challenges in the field of social entrepreneurship also the development of new strategies and notion frameworks tailored specifically to social value creation. These reactions are crucial to fostering a positive environment that builds morale, improves motivation, and creates opportunities for success. Conclusion In the conclusion, challenges and success will build up a good behavior and establish an effectively and reality business plan to scale up. The success will require the well practice, interchangeable ideas and knowledge to improve the society. Challenges may bring the success for entrepreneurs to lead their own businesses and active involvement to explore more opportunities. Anyways, they are shared their ideas and have a good in plan and manage strategically to make a decision and always strive for excellence in a business. Therefore, it can avoid the failure that may threat to an entrepreneur and the lack of continuity of the business and know how to developing the field perfectly. Social entrepreneurship must have the hard work, plain, and simple behaviour to driven the success that can solve the social issues. In this case, the skills and insight of a social entrepreneurship is very importance that must hold by them in their business. The skills may help social entrepreneurship development of new strategies to perform a good performance and developing the field perfectly in workplace.